About Ecology Action Introduction
Teaching people worldwide to better feed themselves while building and preserving the soil and conserving resources.Is it possible for every person on the planet to live well,
while passing on the same opportunity to the next generation?
In 1972, the founders of Ecology Action set out to answer this question by addressing the root of both human health and sustainability: the soil and how we grow our food.
Placing their emphasis on growing living soil over growing food and using only simple techniques, Ecology Action’s founders transformed their first plot of inhospitable ground in
downtown Palo Alto, California, into a thriving calorie-centered research farm—growing life-infused soil along with the complete annual diets
for two people on less land than was thought possible. Eleven years and tons of improved soil later, the process was repeated on a rocky hillside that would become
Ecology Action’s world headquarters.
From what is now one of the oldest long-term sustainable agriculture projects in the
world, Ecology Action has been helping millions of people worldwide empower themselves to better health through teaching and
demonstrating a system of eight simple food-growing practices—the GROW BIOINTENSIVE method—capable of increasing yields up to 2-6 times, organically, while building and maintaining fully sustainable soil fertility and using a fraction of the resources.
The Time is Right:
We are prepared to reach the world with over 43 years of experience with the world's oldest and most universally practical knowledge, and your support today will make this possible. By becoming a member and then sharing this site widely, you will help us fill this site with educational content that will help people everywhere empower themselves to better health while passing on a sustainable world to the next generation.
Please Join Us! today in making a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE.
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